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Hell knight doom 1

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Pain time – 115 ms (57 ms on nightmare or with fast monsters enabled) Speed 175 U/s (350 on nightmare or with fast monsters enabled) What it’s ranged attack is – A fire ball PINKY, and SPECTRE Ranged Attack 3-24 (In multibals of 3)-Type PROJECTIAL This check many times in a row and hit you the moment you peek around Target, switches targets, or has it’s pain chance occur.īut it wont always stop as soon as you are out of sight, it has a randomĬhance to fire 2 addicial shots, and if your luck is horrendous it can skip Mans but it’s faster and it wont stop firing until it cant see it’s

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What it’s ranged attack is – It’s attack is almost exactly like the zombie Ranged Attack – 3 – 15 damage (in multibals of 3)- Type HITSCAN This Demon does not exist in The Ultimate Doom Even in Episode 4 Thy Flesh Shoots 3 pellets, witch it odd considering the Doomguy’s shotgun shoots 7 What it’s ranged attack is – A single shot from it’s shotgun, each shot Ranged Attack 3 – 15 (per pellet in multibels of 3) 45 max with all pellets – Type HITSCAN SHOTGUNGUY (Formor Sargent as the level editor refers to it as) What it’s ranged attack is – A single shot from it’s assault rifle SHOTGUNGUY

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Ranged Attack 3-15 Damage (In multibles of 3)- Type HITSCAN